Cryptography by the Echacha20 Algorithm Based on Logistic and Chirikov Chaotic Maps

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Ibtesam Jomaa
Rana Jassim Mohammed
Noor Abdulmuttaleb Jaafar
Hussein Ali Ismael


Nowadays, lightweight cryptography attracts academicians, scientists and researchers to concentrate on its requisite with the increasing usage of low resource devices. In this paper, a new lightweight encryption scheme is proposed using the chaotic map. This encryption scheme is an addition–rotation–XOR block cipher designed for its supremacy, efficacy and speed execution. In this addition–rotation–XOR cipher, the equation for chaotic map is iteratively solved to generate unique random numbers in a speedy manner using the logistic and Chirikov map. Chaotic maps, encryption algorithms, and cryptography are three approaches that are frequently used to safeguard digital data from unauthorized access and use. Chacha20 is a lightweight encryption algorithm, fast and secure and provides a balance between high security and little complexity and execution time the addition, in this work the development of the Chacha20 algorithm is used to provide the required security for data transmission.

Therefore, we created a randomness key to power the algorithm against various attacks Using the chaotic map to generate a random key for the encryption/decryption operations to improve the diffusion of the ChaCha20 cryptography algorithm's stream secret key. Finally, the cipher results are constructed from the input data and evaluated with various statistical as well as randomness tests correlation coefficient, SNR, and UAIC metrics prove that the proposed enhancement of the Chaha20 stream cipher algorithm (EChacha20) with chaotic addition–rotation–XOR stream cipher is efficient in terms of randomness and speed. For the end discussed complete models with security measures in this research


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How to Cite
Jomaa, I., Jassim Mohammed, R., Abdulmuttaleb Jaafar , N., & Ali Ismael, H. (2024). Cryptography by the Echacha20 Algorithm Based on Logistic and Chirikov Chaotic Maps . Bilad Alrafidain Journal for Engineering Science and Technology, 3(1), 1–19.