Authors Guidelines for Manuscripts Preparation

Bilad Alrafidain Journal for Engineering Science and Technology (BAJEST) issued by Bilad Alrafidain University college, Iraq, welcomes the original research articles, review papers it is a mid-Year refereed Scientific Journal issued by Bilad Alrafidain University college  and specialized in Engineering Science and Technology. It is issued in  English Languages.


New Submissions

Submission to the BAJEST journal proceeds totally online. Authors submit the manuscript as a single file to be used in the refereeing process. This be a Word document (*.docx). Authors should submit their manuscripts electronically through the Journal website submission system to the Editorial Office. BAJEST website

and you will be guided stepwise through the creation and uploading of your files, which can be downloaded from here.


a: Preparation of Manuscripts

Manuscripts must be submitted only in English and should be written according to sound grammar and proper terminology. Manuscripts should be typed in Times New Roman of 10 pt. font and in MS-Word format in two column use A4 paper size with (1) space. A space is left from all sides of paper about (2.5 cm).

 No line number should be applied to the manuscript. Manuscript submission must be applied once in order to obtain only one submission ID number. More than one submission for a single manuscript can lose the chance of manuscript consideration.

a-1: Terms of Publication

 The research must be specialized within Engineering Sciences or other specializations related to it. Never been published before in any Scientific Journal, Scientific Conference, or has an acceptance of publication.

a-2: English Language Writing

All publications in the (BAJEST) are in the English language. Authors whose first language is not English should make sure their manuscript is written in idiomatic English before submission. Please write your text in good English (American or British usage is accepted, but not a mixture of these). No language and copy-editing services are provided by the (BAJEST); hence, authors who feel their manuscript may require editing to eliminate possible grammatical or spelling errors are encouraged to obtain such services prior to submission. Authors are responsible for all costs associated with such services.

a-3: Formatting requirements

Author should follow Journal Template can be download from here, all manuscripts must contain the essential elements needed to convey your manuscript, for example, Manuscript Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Conflict of Interest, and References. Please ensure all figures and tables should be embedded and included in the main manuscript file.

b: Manuscript Structure

Manuscript literature and tenses must be structured as Title; Abstract; Keywords; Article Highlights; Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results and Discussion; Conclusion; Acknowledgements and References submitted in a file with limited size.

b-1: Numbers of Pages

The numbers of pages of research must not exceed 15 pages including references.

b-2: Manuscript Title

The Title should be brief and not more than 18 words. Do not use ‘&’ symbol and avoid using abbreviations. The title should be clear, expressive, limited, and understood.

The titles are written with (Bold, size 18) and positioned in the middle of the page, the first letter of each word should be written capital letters

b-3: Author (s) Name

The Article Must be contained the Author (s) Name, Affiliations and Email of each author, with Insert the link of the ORCID account with the name of of each author.

b- 4: Abstract

An abstract of 150 to 250 words that sketch the purpose of the study; basic procedures; main findings its novelty; discussions and the principal conclusions, should not contain any undefined abbreviations or references.

b-5: Keywords

Provide 3 to 5 keywords that can be used for indexing purposes. Keywords should not repeat the words of the manuscript title or contain abbreviations and shall be written in alphabetical order as separated by a semicolon. Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter through the text. Keywords should be included not more than one line and abbreviations are not used in keywords.

b-6: Introduction

Describes briefly the background of the investigation with updated information and states the aim of the study

b-7: Materials and Methods

Provide sufficient details to enable the experiments to be reproduced. Support the techniques and methods used with references. Metric and standard international units should be used in this section and throughout the manuscript. Specify the computer software used for statistical analysis and define statistical terms, abbreviations, and symbols applied

b-8: Results and Discussion

Present the results and their significance clearly. Graphs and tables should be self-explanatory. Do not repeat in figures or in the text the data presented in tables. Tables and figures should be numbered in the order of their mention in the text. Deals with critical review and interpretations of the results, and supported by relevant updated references. Repetition of data should be avoided. Results and Discussion should be combined It should end with brief conclusions.

b-9: Conclusion

This section should highlight the major, firm discoveries, and state what the added value of the main finding is, without literature references.

b-10: Acknowledgements

Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the reference list. The names of funding organizations should be written in full. Financial support affiliation of the study, if exists, must be mentioned in this section. Thereby, the Grant number of financial supports must be included

b-11: Conflict of Interest

A conflict of interest statement must be placed at the manuscript as below: "The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this manuscript".


References list must be provided according to the format of the (BAJEST) references in a consistent style. Where applicable, author(s) name(s). (Year of publication). Article title. Journal abbreviation. Volume (issue number): pagination. Doi: 

A list of References should be formatted according to the APA style, can by using  the Google Scholar website, using manual print only by using MS Word is the only method that is acceptable by BAJEST, cite about 15 up to 20 articles in a research article type and not above  50 to 80 articles in review article type. Personal communications or unpublished data should be mentioned in the text, but not included in the list of references.

The documentation of references should be as follows:

Inside the text, the source should be mentioned at the beginning of the paragraph by mentioning the author's last name (surname) and then year of publication between brackets, for example:

Abdullah (2016) mentioned that …………………….

If the documentation is at the end of the paragraph the last name of the author and year of publication are written between brackets, for example:

 (Abdullah, 2016).

In case we have more than one source a semi-colon is inserted between them by arranging according to year of publication, for example:

(Abdullah, 2016; Al-Basri, 2017).

In case we have more than one source one to one of the authors they are chronologically arranged (oldest than newest) and in case we have more than one source for the author himself and within same year the letters a, b, c is added besides the year.

c: Example of References

Please note print your references using Mendeley or Endnote software or any other software, is acceptable by BAJEST but they need to check carefully as APA style.

In the reference list, the sources are arranged alphabetically according to author’s surname, as follows:

An Article published in Scientific Journal:

Mahmoud, M. I., Dessouky, M. I., Deyab, S., & Elfouly, F. H. (2007). Comparison between haar and daubechies wavelet transformions on FPGA technology. International Journal of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering1(2), 141-145.

Rapuano, S., & Harris, F. J. (2007). An introduction to FFT and time domain windows. IEEE instrumentation & measurement magazine10(6), 32-44.

d: Tables

Do not submit tables and graphs as a photograph. Tables should be set within the text. Do not use internal horizontal and vertical rules. Tables should be set within the text and should have a clear and rational structure along with consecutive numerical order. All tables should be numbered (1, 2, 3, etc.). Give enough information in subtitles so that each table is understandable without reference to the text. For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the table. Identify any previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference at the end of the table caption. Tables should be with the captions placed above in limited numbers. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body.

e: Figures

Figures/ illustrations should be in high-quality artwork, within 200-300 dpi. Ensure that figures are clear, labeled, and of a size that can be reproduced legibly in the journal. Figures should be set within the text. Following remarks should be applied to the figures:

- Each figure should have a concise caption describing accurately what the figure depicts. Include the captions in the text of the manuscript.

- Figure captions begin with the term Figures. Figures should be with the captions placed below in limited numbers.

- No punctuation is to be placed at the end of the caption. 

- Identify all elements found in the figure in the figure caption; and use boxes, circles, etc., as coordinate points in graphs.

- Identify previously published material by giving the original source in the form of a reference citation at the end of the figure caption.

f: Submission Final Checklist

To download the Submission Checklist, click this link.

  1. Read the Journal’s Guide for Authors and make sure that the manuscript (text, tables, and figures) meets Journal requirements.
  2. The manuscript contains the main sections outlined in Journal’s Guide for Authors.
  3. Spell-check the manuscript.
  4. All authors must read the Ethics in publishing, Plagiarism prevention, Violation of publication ethics, and Handling cases of misconduct before being submitted to the BAJEST.
  5. The Manuscript has been read and approved by all listed authors.
  6. Not only the Corresponding Author but also the whole contributors of the manuscript are advised to be registered at the journal website in order to keep their names in the manuscript bio-sketches.

g: Publication fees                                                                                                                

The Article fees publishing for local researchers is 100$ after peer reviewed.