Simulation of weather and metal of absorber plate Impact on the characteristics of Flat plate solar collector

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Dheya N. Abdulamer


In this research, EES software was used to simulate efficient model of solar collector for appropriate employing. The model of solar collector is treated with various absorber plate manufactured from Cu, Al- alloy or plain carbon steel and subjected into various ambient temperature. In addition, into efficiency of solar collector, the stagnate temperature of glass cover and absorber plate was calculated. Collector efficiency obviously appears convergence between simulations and experimental during solar collector has absorber plate from Cu or plain carbon steel. The efficiency of these two cases intersects with experiment at (∆T/GT = 0.825). The highest temperature is 167.5 °C was developed on the carbon steel absorber plate during exposure into 37 °C , while 134.9 °C is minimum values that was developed on Al- absorber plate during subjected in to 17 °C.


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How to Cite
Abdulamer, D. N. (2022). Simulation of weather and metal of absorber plate Impact on the characteristics of Flat plate solar collector. Bilad Alrafidain Journal for Engineering Science and Technology, 1(1), 6–15.