Strengthen Method Attacks Detection in Network using VFDT Algorithm

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Naseer Alwan Hussein


With the tremendous progress in organizing data over networks, network security has become more important than ever in modern technologies. Hacking represents a serious security risk in the climate of data transmission and reception. Sometimes there are new types of intrusions that are constantly evolving and detection systems have a difficult problem in identifying them. In this research, we proposed Organization based Abnormality Discovery Framework (OADF) system based on training an algorithm VFDT to detect attacks detection (AD).Exploratory outcomes on the kdd cup'99 data mining list show that our system is profoundly material to arrange interruption acknowledgment. It has been shown that the proposed methodology performs better as far as acknowledgment rate, deceiving issue rate, and computational time contrasted with various techniques. To enhance the success of this work, we used other type of previously prepared test groups, it ssenet-2011 dataset, and we trained these two types separately for the purpose of reaching optimal training. The purpose of this work is to discover the largest number of attacks or penetrations that occur on the internet. Exceptionally very fast decision tree (VFDT) algorithm was utilized to build the classifier for attacks. Exceptionally VFDT algorithm is one of data mining algorithms that arrangement with high data streams in an extremely brief time frame. Trial results exhibited that the proposed Organization based Abnormality Discovery Framework (OADF) system is exceptionally effective in detecting known and obscure assaults by 93%.


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How to Cite
Alwan Hussein, N. (2024). Strengthen Method Attacks Detection in Network using VFDT Algorithm. Bilad Alrafidain Journal for Engineering Science and Technology, 3(2), 17–25.