Strengthen Method Attacks Detection in Network using VFDT AlgorithmAuthors:
17-25 |
Predicting Air Quality Based on Multiclass Machine Learning TechniquesAuthors:
26-34 |
Designing Fuzzy Logic Control for the BLDC Motor Based on Airfoil BearingAuthors:
35-46 |
Impact of construction projects on sustainable landscape: a systematic reviewAuthors:
47-58 |
A Survey of Image Enhancement and Dehazing Algorithms to Improving Autonomous Navigation in Fog and Dust.Authors:
59-70 |
A Study of the Effect of Reinforcement Layers on the Performance of Shallow Footing Under Machine Foundation LoadsAuthors:
71-81 |
Undrained Shear Strength Mapping of Al-Khalis Districts: A Geotechnical GIS ApproachAuthors:
82-92 |
Multi-cameras calibration System Based Deep Learning Approach and Beyond: A SurveyAuthors:
93-126 |
Shear Connectors Behavior Under Elevated Temperature: A reviewAuthors:
127-152 |
Enhancing Building Stability and Seismic Resilience with Water-Added Tuned Mass DampersAuthors:
153-159 |
Effect of Lateral Load to the Behavior of Single Piles Subjected to Earthquake Load in SandAuthors:
160-165 |