Designing Fuzzy Logic Control for the BLDC Motor Based on Airfoil Bearing

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Ghassan herez abedali
Hammoudi K. Bachache
Ali J. Mohammed
Ramtin Sadeghi


Due to removing the mechanical brushes in BLDC motors, BLDC motors are widely used in many industrial applications. Therefore, they are maintenance-free and their control is easy to design, especially for high-speed applications. For example, eco-friendly vacuum cleaners prevent atopic dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, and asthma. Other applications are Micro Gas turbines or compressors with small impellers due to miniaturization, BLDC motors must rotate at very high speeds to maintain the compressor's compression ratio. Generally, airfoil bearings should be used instead of ball bearings because of the friction in high-speed motors. Unfortunately, the characteristics of airfoil bearings depend on rotational speed. In this work, a BLDC motor with an airfoil bearing is controlled by a PID controller, this work analyzed the BLDC SYSTEM to determine the PID coefficient using the feedback method. The proposed controller Fuzzy Logic is used for adaptive control. In addition, the controller of BLDC motors combines auto-tuning and self-tuning technology. The results demonstrate that the proposed method gives efficient control by reducing the settling time and maximum peek overshot. The designed controller for the airfoil-bearing BLDC motor has a good performance.


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How to Cite
herez abedali, G., K. Bachache, H., J. Mohammed, A., & Sadeghi, R. (2024). Designing Fuzzy Logic Control for the BLDC Motor Based on Airfoil Bearing. Bilad Alrafidain Journal for Engineering Science and Technology, 3(2), 35–46.